Prepare for the "Long Turn" speaking section by engaging with high-quality, randomly generated speaking topics that closely simulate real IELTS scenarios, all from the comfort of your phone.
IELTS exams have a "Long Turn" speaking section, where you are asked to speak for 2 minutes on a given topic. Our bot will help you practice for this section by giving you a random topic, and then giving you feedback on how you performed.
Open Telegram app on your phone and search: @ielts_speaking_practice_bot. Once you find the bot, start a conversation by sending "/start".
Yes, it is free to use for now. We may introduce a paid plan in the future.
No, it is only available on Telegram for now. We are also working on introducing a web version of the bot, which will be available soon.
Please send us an email at We're working hard to make this bot better, and your feedback will help us a lot.